Thursday, January 10, 2008

1636 Bleck

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Things are not going well today. I got me all washed and dressed to go to the store, and decided to take care of the litter box. It was pretty bad.

I use a pelleted pine sawdust kitty litter because it lasts a good long time (before it will suddenly get overwhelmed), and it's easy to dispose of. I can just dump it in the woods, which I can't do with the white stuff, or with clay.

So I picked up the (huge) pan, and carried it to the woods. In the dark.

I swung it out to spread the litter, and stepped in a hole, I guess. Off balance because of swinging the litter box, I fell - into the litter I'd dumped, and then I poured the rest of the litter over myself, filling my shoes and down inside the v-neck of my sweater.

Back to the shower, and the closet.


Ally said...

i'm glad you are okay. it's better a few extra showers than something broken.

i've always disliked cleaning the litter box. i miss my cat, but i don't miss the cleanup.

happy almost friday.

Kate said...

hope that your friday was much better!