Thursday, March 29, 2007

1188 Is This Really a Deal Breaker?

Thursday, March 29, 2007

I find it surprising that people don't seem willing to compromise, or to believe that the other will compromise. I figure you both have to decide whether you love and can get along with the other person more than you like your stuff, or more than you dislike their stuff.

I'd throw out everything in my house for the right person. (Well, almost everything. Compromise always goes two ways.) I hated Jay's living room furniture (brown and gray plaid upholstery? Yuck!) and he disliked mine (a huge beige sectional), so we just started replacing everything with things we both liked. It's called "working together".

Are there really people who can't do that? This article says "Yes", I guess.

1 comment:

Becs said...

After I moved out, Xman festooned his house with 5' x 5' photographs of Peter O'Toole as Lawrence of Arabia, bought a new dining room set at IKEA, and started listening to Ella Fitzgerald.

Oh my GOD, I thought as I left his house one day. He's gay and he doesn't even KNOW it!