Monday, February 26, 2007

1138 Piper's Foot

Monday, February 26, 2007

Got a call from Piper, "Got the tax stuff together?" Aaagh! He's giving me 'til Wednesday, then he's getting tough.

He broke his left foot. Badly. He's in a big cast, crutches, can't drive. His vehicles are both standard, and he can't use the clutch. His lady and Vinnie are driving him around. I told him he could call on me, too.

Since the call, I got an idea. My Aerio is automatic. He's got a cute little VW beetle. Since I know how he drives, I might want to think about it a little more, but maybe we could trade cars for the next six weeks. (He wanders all over the road, it's scary, and he brags that he can make it to East Fishkill in 40 minutes. That drive takes 55 minutes at the speed limit. On the other hand, he hasn't had any accidents.... I wonder what my legal/insurance exposure is if I lend him my car and something happens.)

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