Monday, December 04, 2006

999 A Single Simple Solution

Monday, December 4, 2006

Scott Adams, in his blog "Dilbert.Com" ( asks "What one simple problem could you eliminate – let’s say using magic – that would fix virtually every other problem in the world?" He points out that eliminating poverty or hunger wouldn't work, because there would still be other things to fight over. He came up with a solution that might actually work (if it were possible, of course). The individual entry is at "The One Problem with the World", but there are over 440 comments on the entry, and it might take a while to load, so I recommend just going to the blog's main page (typepad link above) and scrolling down to "The One Problem with the World". (If you scroll rather than "find", you might find other topics of interest on the way.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fascinating. I read the blog post and a few of the top-most comments. The best one. Apathy. Not exactly, but close. That's pretty much what Buddhism is about. Non-attachment to desires, people, things, outcomes. It sounds like apathy, but it's just not being attached to what happens and going about on your happy little way. I like that. But can people really not care? Mehtinks not. It's an ideal to strive for. But I don't think most people would even agree with it. Anyway, too many comments over there, so I hope you don't mind I commented here. Thanks for your interesting and thought-provoking posts.