Friday, August 07, 2015

4088 Conversation with my heir apparent, #2

Friday, August 7, 2015

You either sink or swim or you don't.


The Nugget pooped in the potty at my house a few days ago.

She poops every day, and she poops a LOT!  I haven't seen grown men with her output.  I usually say something like "What on earth is your mommy feeding you?!", which usually gets me her breakfast and lunch menu for that day.  She does tend to be rather literal.

Well, anyway, the other day I expressed amazement, and I asked "Your belly is so little, and that poopy is so big, where on earth were you storing all that?"

She looked up with a huge smile, and said, "In my bagina!"

(Daughter later explained they had been learning the proper names for body parts.)

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