Sunday, June 17, 2012

3550 Mystery visitor

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Stop dwelling on your childhood and embrace your adulthood. Growing up is becoming the person you wanted to be.


 For a while now, perhaps a week or two, this blog has been heavily visited by someone(s) in or near Washington, DC.  Whoever it is, they are not the usual visitor.  Feedjit shows them visiting the latest six or so posts in quick succession, every day, sometimes several times a day.  Feedjit also shows where the link is that they came in on - like I know when someone comes in through a Google search, through Google reader, a link in an email, or via a link in another blog or website. 

This visitor will visit five or six posts in less than a minute, and each visit is coming from a different site - and none of those sites have a link to this blog!  In other words, the link origin is faked, and I suspect the "Washington, DC" may be faked, too.

At first I thought it was someone who didn't want me to know who they were, so they were using a proxy.  Now I think it may be a spam robot.  (There's a (very) remote possibility it could be my own government, triggered by my links to middle eastern blogs and that I read a lot of middle eastern news reports and comment on foreign blogs and reports, but that's just paranoia.)

I'm half tempted to take word verification off.  If it's a spam robot, it'll show its colors immediately.

This is reminiscent of a few years ago when I was getting a lot of visits from Fort Meade, near Washington.  I'd heard, when I lived in that area, that Fort Mead is full of spies.  I asked in the blog "Who's coming in from Fort Meade?", and the visits immediately stopped.  Strange. 

Anyone else seeing anything like this?

1 comment:

Becs said...

Fort AP Hill in Virginia has to be full of spies, too. After all, it's near Dahlgren. Which is near Quantico.