Friday, March 30, 2012

3502 Blogger Comment Errors

Friday, March 30, 2012

Nature is never wrong.


Blogger is throwing "bX-cy0oum" errors when people try to leave comments on Blogspot blogs. They know about it and I assume they're working on it. I'd hate to lose comments because of errors. I do want to "hear" what you have to say. So if you try to comment and can't, please come back later and try again.

Becs, I've been trying to leave a comment on your "not a vegan" post. Here it is:
You know you're not allowed to have a preference that others don't agree with. They'll give you an argument. You have to be forced into choices by something you can't control.

Lie. Tell people that meat causes severe digestion problems, like and painful acid reflux, or nasty flatulence. Act embarrassed by the whole thing. They can't argue with that. In fact, you'll get pity.


Anonymous said...

It's much easier just being "fussy." I call myself a picky eater - everybody gets that :-).


~~Silk said...

Nah. People will still argue with fussy - "Oh, you should try Deising's meat market, their meat's good!", or "You should eat kosher meat, you'll like that". You've got to make it sound like a medical problem with ALL meat.