Tuesday, February 28, 2012

3474 Intervention

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"When a true genius appears in this world,
you may know him by this sign,
that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."
-- Jonathan Swift --


I'd also been hearing about another A&E show, that follows "Hoarders" on Monday night: "Intervention". Each week they follow the story of an addict, ending in an family/friends intervention. (How can these people not know what's coming? Sheesh.)

Anyhow, last night was the first time I'd watched it. The subject was a woman who was an alcoholic. I know a little bit about alcoholism. Ok. Bad thing. Yes, she's messing up her life, and the lives of her family and kids (boy 12ish, girl 20).

At the end of the show they had the usual intervention.

I got a little angry.

Sitting there in the room was a counselor, the woman's mother and father and three sisters, and her kids, and they're all telling her how her addiction is messing everything up.

Every single person sitting there, the parents, the sisters, the daughter, all except for the woman herself, the counselor, and the young boy, was pushing 300 pounds, at least.

A bunch of obese foodaholics telling an alcoholic how unhealthy her addiction is?

That takes nerve.

One kills quickly, the other slowly, but because it's slow, that's ok? What's that saying about the beam in your own eye? Well, I guess it's ok if you're outnumbered.


Zayrina said...

I am obese, as is my husband. This is the most insulting thing I think I have read on a blog in some time. Give yourself kudos for that.

~~Silk said...

I am sorry you were offended. I thought about the possibility (I know several readers who are heavy, or consider themselves heavy), but decided to express my annoyance anyway. My point was that the people tearing into the woman for her addiction had their own unhealthy addictions, which they have not acknowledged, and it seemed unfair.

I smoke. Nicotine is my drug of choice. I am therefore a drug addict. So if I were advising someone to quit using drugs, it would be unacceptably arrogant of me to take a superior virtuous attitude.

And that's what I found annoying. Their attitude. Not their weight.