Tuesday, August 16, 2011

3336 Buying votes already.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

“When love and skill are combined, expect a masterpiece.”
-- Demetri Martin’s fortune cookie --


The next election is more than a year away and I'm already getting steamed.

Read this - http://www.unelected.org/how-michele-bachmann-bought-the-ames-straw-poll - for a good laugh. What's sad is that a lot of people, most, really, will think "Oh, she won. She must be good." without knowing how she won. It's amusing that many of the people she bought didn't vote for her.

(Incidentally, this article says she bought about $180,000 worth of tickets, 6,000. Other sources say $150,000, or 5,000 tickets. Perhaps the higher numbers include the singer.)

1 comment:

little red said...

I'm going to change my party affiliation to republican so I can vote in the republican primary, whenever that is. I'm going to vote for Sarah Palin or Michele Bachman, neither of who could beat Obama in the next election... Not that I'm happy with Obama. I'm just disgusted with the entire executive and legislative branches of government and I think every last one of them should be fired with no pension given.