Saturday, January 29, 2011

3243 Ants!

Saturday, January 29, 20011

Isn’t everybody pre-med? Either you’re a doctor, or you’re not…yet. Right?


I have ants! They're the tiniest ants I've ever seen in my entire life!

Jasper likes Hartz "Crunch 'n Clean" kitty treats, and this morning I dropped a few on the carpet in the hall for him. Normally they disappear quickly, but this morning he'd just had breakfast, so he ate only two and left three lying there. I just walked past them, bent to pick them up and drop them into his food dish, and one of the three was covered with ants. Ants so tiny it would take 20 of them end to end to make an inch.

Where are they coming from? Why only one of the treats? What do I do now? Ants have never been a big problem anywhere I've lived. The old house would get a few big black ones in the spring (not carpenter ants, just big black ones), but they were usually just lost and passing through, new spring swarms looking for a good nesting place.

I immediately checked Jasper's food dish - no ants. Checked the kitchen garbage can - no ants. Checked the pantry - no ants.

I'm a little bit freaked.

The old house had clothes moths everywhere, mice coming up from the basement, and yellow jackets and hornets who liked to nest in the cars, but for some reason they didn't bother me as much as tiny ants here.


Later: I found out what they are. See


Badass Nature Girl said...

We live in a slab home here and had MASSIVE little ant problems when we moved in. It took more than 4 or 5 years to get it under control and although we still get some from time to time, it's not what it used to be. It took us going through a pest control place to get it under control, plus I leave house spiders in the corners and they eat them up.

the queen said...

Terra X, from the hardware store. Keep it away from the cats.

little red said...

I agree with the queen. I started using Terra X and my ants virtually disappeared. I had at least 3 different types of ants in this house at one point. I specifically noted last Spring/Summer that I was surprised we didn't have ants.

Reality Check Woman said...

I have to have my house treated quarterly to keep the ants under control. It is a mobile home, so they spray outside & under the house, but it works. I hate the expense, but I hate random ant-attacks even more.

Envirosafe Pest Control Orlando said...
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