Saturday, January 08, 2011

3224 Hair

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nobody notices what I do until I don’t do it.


I got my hair cut Thursday evening. I've had my hair professionally cut three times in my life, professionally highlighted once, and professionally styled once, and all five times I cried for weeks afterward. So this was a VERY big deal.

Daughter and I went together.

Every time in the past, the main problem with cuts has been that they teased, gelled, blew dry over rollers, tweaked, flipped, and sprayed, and when they were done it looked ok, but I just don't DO that! So naturally, the next day, or after the first washing, it looked like Hell.

And every single time I had told them right from the beginning, "I don't tease, blow dry, use 'product', or spray. I want to let it air dry with some scrunching with my fingers, and that's all. So it's imperative that you take my natural curl into consideration."

Every hairdresser in the world insists on cutting the hair sopping wet, and I've never understood how you can judge the natural tendencies when going from long to short, if the hair is wet. How can you tell which way it wants to curl, and how much?

Well, again, I said several times, "I don't want to have to fuss with it. Wash, fluff with fingers, and that's it."

I got a bad feeling when she cut it sopping wet.

A worse feeling when she put gobs of gel in it.

Much worse when she blew it dry pulling it over a round brush, then tweaked and placed and sprayed it solid.

By the end, I was thinking that apparently natural tendencies don't matter. We'll just force it to go the way we want it to go. Oh well. I guess I can shave my head and let it grow out....

When I got home, it was a solid mass, and I had trouble sleeping because it smelled so strong. I washed it yesterday morning and let it air dry with a little finger scrunching.

This is what it looks like this morning - straight from the bed, no brushing or combing, no nothing, its own natural shape:
I think maybe I like it. Those tendrils right behind my ears,and maybe across the back, need to be a little shorter, but the rest is ok. I think. The lady said I could come in to get it shorter anytime in the next two weeks without charge.

It will very quickly get too long, but I think we have a good base cut to work from.


the queen said...

I just got a good cut too - from Steve the Hot stylist - and it is remarkable. I hope he remembers what he did.

And Steve will cut your hair dry. On the other hand, Steve costs $80.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it looks mahvelous! One more thing to envy you for, those curls. Oh to have some body in the hair. I have been going to an upscale non-tipping salon for a while. My stylist is Lithuanian, not that that affects her cutting ability but she talks about interesting things, and she has never made me cry or run home and wash out the damage. I have kept the short hair and have grown to love it. I don't know what will happen if Lina disappears.

Seriously, it does look great on you.


Becs said...

Brava! I wonder what The Man will think. Then again, he doesn't have to deal with it.

~~Silk said...

The Man shaves his head. He might think unhappy thoughts, but he can't say anything.

Badass Nature Girl said...

I like it! AND I feel your pain. I have naturally curly, in some parts wavy, thick hair, and it's always a crapshoot as to if it's going to turn out right. Plus, all I do is wash and blow dry (to loosen the curl a bit) but my hairstylist gets out the brushes and curling irons, etc. I think I need to start putting my foot down.

rockygrace said...
