Sunday, February 28, 2010

2795 Recycling weird stuff

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they suppress.
-- Frederick Douglas --


After Jay died and I cleaned out the basement, I found many bottles of chemicals. A lot of it was darkroom chemicals, clearly labeled, but there were also many small bottles with missing, cryptic, or indecipherable labels. What labels I can understand sound downright dangerous. Jay was a chemistry major in college, and had always been interested in ... experiments.

They're still down there. I don't know what to do with them. has a post today [] about recycling, specifically electronics, but they have a link to a site [] where you can enter any type of material and your zip code, and they'll tell you where you can take it.

So they found me a place in Connecticut, about 2 hours away, that will accept hazardous chemicals and expired medications. Not convenient, but at least it's someplace.

Then I tried "clear glass", and they gave me a recycle center 8 miles away. Duh? I guess they don't know about the recycle center in the village, 2.5 miles away.

Still, somewhere is better than nowhere.

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