Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2544 Robots. Just how functional are they?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Explanations are interpreted at the level and understanding
of the listener, not the speaker.

-----------------------------'s Big Picture set today is on the current advances in robotics, from military to fun to humanoid. Asian developers seem to be fascinated by female humanoid robots.

I can understand that if you want a robot to "man" a reception desk, or serve drinks, or putter around the house, you'd want it to have some semblance of a face to interact with, and hands would be needed to use things designed for humans, but, uh, why does it need humongous breasts? At eye-level?
It's not like it will be nursing baby robots. And the "male-form" robots don't have interesting bulges for us ladies to peruse.

Unfair. And silly. And so so typical of humans.

1 comment:

Becs said...

Watch "Lars and the Real Girl". Then find the site that he found. Puh-lenty of interesting bulges but a bitout of my price range.