Sunday, December 21, 2008

2175 So Much for Radar

Sunday, December 21, 2008

TV weather has radar. They're proud of it, even show the rotating scopes. I'm sitting here in the den looking at the weather report. There's no green showing within miles of my house, meaning that we are clear, the snow clouds have moved north.

I turn and look out the window, and it's still coming down thickly with no signs of stopping.

I don't understand.

1 comment:

PDX Granny said...

I'm watching my weather folks too. They said snow yesterday. It snowed from 3 AM till about midnight last night.

Today, they're saying freezing rain, and I look outside and see everything covered with ice.

They're saying windy, and I see my double paned windows shaking and hear the wind howling!

Since they've been right about everything else, I want them to say warming! But they're saying POSSIBLY by Wednesday.

I want them to be wrong!!!!