Sunday, October 12, 2008

2070 Real Time

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"It’s one thing to speak at a rally and steer the crowd into feeling an animosity toward your opponent’s platform; however, when you drive them to hate and fear your opponent as a person by painting the man as a terrorist bent on destroying everything they hold dear, you are no longer campaigning. You are simply a coward creating a modern-day lynch mob fueled by a dangerous and enraged collective ignorance." - Dan, at "The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind"


To NJ last night. Sushi and The Big Bang Theory with The Man. We're working our way through season 1, finished off disk 2 of 3 last night. He swears he hadn't seen season 1 except for one or two episodes he'd stumbled upon, but he was speaking some of the best lines right along with the characters. Strange.

A regular episode of season 2 was on TV last night, but he's one of those people who won't watch any of the next season until he's seen all of the previous season. Sheesh. That means you never see anything in "real time". He loves Boston Legal, too, but he's so far behind he may never catch up. Not in "real time", anyway.

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