Tuesday, May 20, 2008

1821 Clyde's cousin visits Sea World

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Some people took their Pleo (possibly a cousin to my little Clyde) to Sea World, where the dolphins showed great interest, starting at about 1:50 (-4:36) in the video.


I wonder if the interest was simply because it was something new, or if it had anything to do with his dinosauriosity, but it does look like they're fascinated.


More and more homes are getting rid of land-line phones and going all cellular, especially younger families. Daughter and Hercules haven't had a "home phone" in several years. So this study, linking behavioral problems in children to cell phone use during pregnancy, is troubling.


1 comment:

Becs said...

Dolphin 1: Hey George! Look what they're spending their money on now!
Dolphin 2: Wait. That's not real?
Dolphin 3: She reminds me of my cousin.
Dolphin 1: No, it's like a real thing but not real.
Dolphin 2: And we always thought you were the smart one.
Dolphin 4: It looks like just a few thousand more years of evolution and it will be all slick and shiny as we are.
Dolphin 1: Wait, I need some popcorn for this...