Wednesday, February 27, 2008

1708 Bored on a Nothing Wednesday

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

TV, "NCIS". Cops arrive at the apartment door, guns drawn. Yell, "NCIS! Warrant!", pause one second (I counted), violently kick door open.

That disturbed me a lot. What if they had the wrong door? It happens.... What if innocent little I was on the other side of that door, about to open it, or about to ask, "Who? What? Huh?" I'd get the edge of the door right smack full in the face.

I hope that one second timing was poetic license. Or if they have to go in fast to prevent escape, they should yell "Get away from the door!"


There's a bit about the candidates that could make an enormous difference to me, but it's not information we'll get until it's too late to matter to the election.

I'd love to know who they intend to (or would like to) appoint to cabinet and executive positions. That might tell me a lot about what the next few years with them would be like.

(Some people would like to know who'd be their choice for vice-president in time for primaries, but since I can't vote in primaries, only the general election, by the time that matters to me it's known.)


Becs said...

When I lived in FL, my next door neighbor was a pioneer in the identity theft field. The sheriff's department raided her house one day, broke down the door (and yes, the one second pause is just poetic license, usually it's yelled a second after they kick the door down - at least, that's what I saw on "Cops"), and hauled her away.

Because this particular sheriff's dept was notorious for knocking down the wrong door, I wondered what would have happened if they'd accidentally gone one house to the right.

Chris said...

We had cops show up across the street (very quiet neighborhood) because they thought their daughter's boyfriend (she's an adult and did not live there) might be hiding there. I walked out of the door at 7:30 and 6 cops where there, two going around the back guns drawn. It was a very surreal scene.