Sunday, February 17, 2008

1698 Schlice

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The last storm we had (last weekend?) dumped seven inches of snow on my driveway, and then RAINED all over it. I didn't want to go out and clear the snow while it was raining, and then after the rain stopped I had four inches of wet slush, which the snowthrower couldn't handle. Folks with shorter driveways found it easy to push it off, but there's no way I could do my 4000+ square feet by hand.

That night it froze into "schlice" - snow slush become ice. I don't think even a plow could could clear it. I wasn't worried because a few days of warmer weather, or a nice long rain, would take care of it. No such luck. I may be schliced in until the end of March.

So for the past week the car has been at the bottom of the driveway. I walk up and down the schlice-covered hill to get in and out, which isn't too very bad except when I've been shopping. Hauling kitty litter and groceries? Yuck. My feet go like mad but I make no headway. I look like a cartoon.

I've driven the car over the schlice at the bottom, and the car didn't even crack it, but weirdly, the turkeys do make imprints. My yard is covered with huge turkey tracks.

When I drove to Saugerties yesterday, I was amazed at how little schlice they had, only two inches or less. Saugerties is north of here.

I don't understand.

I thought I'd be reprieved today. The prediction was 45 degrees and a good solid rain.

Nope. Upper 30s, and a short shower. Sigh.

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