Saturday, January 05, 2008

1623 A Walk by the Bay

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Yesterday's visit with Daughter was nice. It was relatively warm out, so we walked along the Raritan (sp?) Bay shoreline. I was amazed at how pretty the ice was on the rocks, and the two kinds of dried grass, one fine and feathery, the other making sharp ribbon arcs, and how beautiful it all was when the sun was going down and it all turned gold and pink and blue.

We walked along a beach that I remarked looked perfect for picnics. I was surprised by the number of shells. Daughter said it's not unusual to find horseshoe crab shells, too. I want one. I asked Daughter if it's good swimming, and she gave me the fisheye, so I guess not. After all, that IS Manhattan you see over there across the water.

I was surprised that there was no snow in New Jersey. It disappeared halfway down the NYS Thruway. I guess that explains why I haven't been getting much sympathy for my driveway woes. They just don't understaaaaaaaaand!

A couple things I don't understand - what's with the new male hairstyle? The one where they comb the hair from both sides into a point, a ridge, on the top. It looks stupid, guys! It reminds me of a dinosaur. Or the way mommies comb a baby's hair.

And I've been seeing something weird on young women, too, where a palm-sized patch on the top front is teased into a pouf. The higher the better. It doesn't blend into the rest of the hair, it's separated from the sides and back, just sits there in an isolated bump above the forehead. Weird.

My mother's theory was that all high fashion is designed to be unattractive on purpose. "The most influential designers and stylists are all gay, and they're perpetrating an enormous joke on heteros. And the heteros eat it up. It's the funniest, longest-lasting, joke ever." You know, I almost buy it.

Another thing I don't understand - how are we fighting terrorism by creating it?

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