Monday, December 24, 2007

1611 From Afar, Very Afar

Monday, December 24, 2007

Today I received a Christmas email from ... man, I'm not even sure who. Jay's mother had like 3rd-degree relatives in Sweden, and next summer some of them are coming to visit relatives in Mass., and Niagra Falls, with a short stay in the Rochester NY area. The woman sent the email to Jay's father, and Jay's sisters and I (although they probably thought Jay would be receiving the email - I'm still using his id) were copied. She hopes to see "us" while here.

My head is spinning.

How did she get the email addresses? Obviously she's in touch with someone....

In my family, my sister and I don't know where our youngest brother is. I have no idea where any of my 1st degree cousins are. Occasionally I find one, usually at a funeral of an aunt or uncle, but then I lose them again, and the aunt and uncle supply is dropping rapidly. But Jay's family hovers around each other constantly, out to the 3rd and 4th degree, and new members are cropping up all the time.

My entire family is dysfunctional. But although Jay's family looks so perfect from the outside, I know they're dysfunctional, too, just more subtly. His family has a very strict set of social standards that my family never subscribed to. Perhaps some might call it breeding.

Different dynamics.


I'm getting strange noises in and outside the house again. Last night there was a weird keening in the woods. I've never heard it before.

Just a few minutes ago there was a thud somewhere in or close outside the house, exactly the sound of a heavy box being dropped on the floor. I hadn't heard anyone come up the drive, but I checked the porch anyway to see if there was a package. Nothing.

Sometimes birds fly into the glass walls on the back, or into the siding, but it didn't sound like that - unless it was a turkey falling out of the air onto the deck.

Mystery. I don't like it.


I've figured out why Jasper insisted his name was Jasper. He was trying to say Exjasperate.


Becs said...

My boss(es) at work must be very confused or think I'm a big fat liar. Just as soon as I say, "I don't have any family", somebody drops dead. Last year at Christmas it was my mom's last sibling (Mom's gone, too). This Christmas, it was my "grandmother". I have cousins who pop up from time to time and on my extremely estranged father's side, I have yet an aunt and possibly two uncles. Oh, and four half-brothers I've never met. Nor do I especially care to.

Becs said...

PS - The whole keening / thumping / footprints thing is creeping me out. Please get a big hulking man to patrol your property or a big dog that barks a lot. I don't like it.

Chris said...

Uh oh.....Bigfoot is living in your back yard!

On a serious note, I was going to suggest it might be water pipes 'hammering' or 'banging', but unless you've just had work done, that doesn't just start happening. It would have been present since the original plumbing was installed.

Do you live near a fault zone? I've heard that can cause some weird anomolies.