Friday, August 03, 2007

1409 Kitty Breakthrough!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Jasper has been behind the washing machine since Monday. I put soft food in a bowl at the end of the washer, and when I'm not around he'd eat the food, drink some water, piddle on the floor on the other side of the laundry room (ignoring the litter box - I'm still not sure where the poopy is - no odors evident). There was some dry food on a plate in the middle of the room, too, but he'd been ignoring it. All I've actually seen of him since Sunday night has been big eyes in the dust and dark behind the washer.

This morning, it was evident he had found the dry food. And he had piddled on the newspaper I'd put down in what appeared to be his chosen urinal area.

Since he approved of the dry food, this morning I reached (a long stretch for me) between the utility sink and the washer to put some dry food in the bowl, and was surprised when a little head pushed itself under my hand. He wanted a head and neck scratching while he ate.

He wouldn't come completely out from the safe space, but ... this may yet work out. I didn't see fear in his eyes this morning. I saw recognition. So maybe it will take a few days of my lying on the floor stretching to reach between the sink and washer to scratch a furry neck.

I can do that.


Becs said...

Yep. That's what it'll take, all right. Lots of laying on the floor with your hand outstretched and making mooshy mooshy poosycat noises. ("Oh, he's a sweet Jasper, yes he is...what a gooood boy." They're suckers. It works.)

~~Silk said...

Hmmm. Same thing works with men.

It's funny - your words are exactly what I've been cooing at him, with the addition of "It's all right, lil' boy. Pretty kitty." To the cat, I mean, not the men.