Wednesday, August 01, 2007

1407 Catching Honey

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Something funny that happened last weekend: Son-in-law Hercules's mother, K-Mom (I'm S-Mom), was talking about an abandoned cat named Honey that she'd been trying to catch, and Hercules said, "Did you try flies? I hear you can catch a lot of honey with flies."

I don't think he realized what he'd said until he thought about it.

So Thursday night I was telling The Man about it, and I said, "And then Hercules said, did you try...", and The Man interrupted with "Flies! They say you can catch a lot of honey with flies."

I cracked up. I swear those two have the same brain! The two of them are always finishing each other's thoughts, even the weird ones. They think the same way.

I'm not sure which is better, or worse - that a 32-yo has the brain of a 47-yo, or vice versa.

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