Wednesday, November 29, 2006

994 My Right Foot

While looking through the sculpture park photo rejects, I noticed this one. It's fuzzy because it was a long shot and I had to cut the "live people" and enlarge it to show just the feet. That's my legs in the black. Note the right foot (on the left in the picture). That's the one that I can't sense. The one that I just figured out swings in front of the other when I walk. This photo seems to confirm that. I need more pictures, taken when I don't know I'm being photographed. Maybe a "candid camera" video of me walking and standing.

When Jay "lost" his left side, if you told him to raise his left hand, he couldn't do it. But if you brought his hand to the center front where he could see it, then he could use it. He couldn't walk unless he could see his left foot, and then only if he had his head turned so that the foot was in his center or right field of vision. That's why "hemi-paralyzed" wasn't accurate. The proper term was "left side neglect". His left side simply wasn't there when he couldn't see it. (Of course, once he went blind, it was effectively paralysis.)

Similarly, when I am paying attention, except for a slight rigidness of the ankle on the right, I probably don't exhibit a problem.

Hmmm. Now I'm wondering if this explains why the muscle at the top of my right thigh is more developed than on the left. I thought it was just uneven fat.... It absolutely explains the way my shoe soles wear!


Mel Gibson has a movie coming out soon, and I hear that some people are already gearing up to picket theaters. Why? If you don't like what you assume he thinks, that's not the way to educate him, to change his thinking. If you object only to what he reportedly said, then his retraction, apology, and promise never to say it again should have satisfied you. So I don't understand the picket line. You're just throwing a temper tantrum and trying to punish him.

That's not nice and not productive. (Unless punishing people makes you feel good.)

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