Tuesday, February 28, 2006

#589 Amazing Day, Not!

The TV is back on. The Amazing Race starts another course tonight, and I can't resist.

I spent most of the day trying to catch up on correspondence. I wrote a few emails and filled out some forms for mailing, and that was pretty much the whole day. May called, and I was on the phone with her for about an hour. TAR starts at 9 (in 5 minutes - Blogger logs the time you START an entry, not the time you finish) for 2 hours, and then I have to wash and dry my hair and get to bed early so I can take the neighbor lady to PT tomorrow. She said 8 am. Ouch! I asked her to call me at 7 to ensure I'm awake.

I haven't eaten anything yet today, and there's a pot of Earl Grey waiting for me, so gonna run now.

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