Wednesday, November 16, 2005

#442 Jumping Ship

I didn't get a whole lot accomplished today. I got home this morning to find about 90 AOL journal alerts in my email (I subscribe to about 30 journals, and normally get only 10 or so alerts a day), and close to 100 emails from people complaining about AOL's decision to put ads in their personal journals.

Many of them I didn't read past the first couple of lines, but some of them were rolling-on-the-floor funny. Like the guy with the plaintive note: "Did something happen overnight that I don't know about? Sheesh, I'm always the last to know." I thought that was a riot. (Roman, AOL needs your voice of reason! It's getting downright nasty over there.)

So that took a lot of time. Especially following the links to check out other blog-hosting sites. This one looked pretty good, actually. So after a few hours of playing with formats and templates and learning, here I am, not running away from AOL's intrusive banner ads, but because this just plain looks like a better place to be.

I went to the hardware store and bought more weather stripping to finish the front door. Just in time, too. It's supposed to get down to around 18 degrees Friday night. Yeah. 18. Fahrenheit.

Then I stopped by Piper's office to give him more numbers. He's happy to find that the only stocks that I have actual paper certificates for happen to also be the only stocks that I plan to keep over this restructuring we're planning. All the rest is "book entry", which means we can sell them almost instantly with a phone call. Which means we can time the sales closer to advantageous market conditions.

Then I signed up for a class in Excel that Roman is teaching. It's an intermediate level class, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, five sessions, at Dutchess South. I haven't taken the basic class, but he says I shouldn't have any trouble. It starts next Tuesday. I figure I might want some kind of (real) bookkeeping program if I start selling stuff, so this can kill several birds with one stone. I learn something I need, with a willing tutor as needed, and I get to see him in action in a classroom.

Well, I just discovered the spell checker doesn't seem to want to work. Guess I gotta go read some more "Help".


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