Wednesday, February 22, 2017

5097 Caution

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I keep hearing, “Nowhere in Humpty Dumpty does it say he's an egg.” 
 That's because it's a very old riddle!  That he's an egg is the answer, not the story, so of course it's not given.


A post or two back I recommended writer Lawrence Block.  I have to withdraw that recommendation.  Some of his books contain scenes of nasty sex.  I suspect it has a purpose, perhaps to lead the reader to distaste or dislike for some of his characters.  

Perhaps it works too well.



Becs said...

However, his books on writing are very useful. It's been years since I read them although I held onto them. He may be a kinky man but he's a good writer about writing.

~~Silk said...

Update - I find that if I stick to his "Mathew Scudder" series, I have no complaints. Those are just plain well written.