Friday, July 13, 2012

3573 Sense

Friday, July 13 (Eek! Friday the thirteenth!), 2012

"Realistic" and "afraid of failing" do not mean the same thing.


Wow.  Really think about that green quote.  It can be interpreted and applied several different ways, all instructive.


I'm reading a book of short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald, which includes "The  Curious Case of Benjamin Button".  In that story, I found the following sentence:  "In addition, Benjamin discovered that he was becoming more and more attracted by the gay side of life."

I can't help wondering what today's youth make of that.

Fitzgerald uses the word "gay" at lot, in the 1930s "carefree fun" sense.  It has completely lost that meaning now.  Also, I wonder what younger folks make of the expression "social intercourse".  Do they think it means friends with benefits?


Hal, the BMW, "threw a code" the other day.  Ever since they put computers and sensors in cars, my cars have "thrown codes" with scary indicator lights which required a trip to a service bay, pretty regularly, it seems.  They tell us that the purpose of the sensors is to warn us of problems before they get big enough to damage the cars.

Yeah.  Uh-huh.

I'm ready to yell "BULL POOPY!" to that.  It seems to me that the sole purpose is to create service business, because not once, ever, has the sensor indicated a real problem!  In every single case, without exception, it has been diagnosed as a "bad sensor", which gets replaced.

I think we're getting ripped off.  You'd think that if the sensors were doing any good, in the past twenty years they'd have come up with better ones that didn't crap out and cry wolf all the time. 


Becs said...

Um...the check engine light on my Camry just means, hey, when you get around to it? It might be a good idea to take me into the shop.

The other warning light is for "Feed me! Well, sometime in the next three or four days."

~~Silk said...

This one wasn't the check engine light. It was sumthin else that if yellow means drive slowly to service, and if red means (and this is what the book says) "Your trip is over. Park and call the BMW emergency number."