Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3492 Poisoning babies

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Life is extinct on other planets because their scientists were more advanced than ours.


I was just out on the porch and saw a couple walk by with an infant in a carriage. There's a fine mist in the air, so they had the hood on the carriage completely closed over the baby. I wondered why they were taking the baby out at all, with it so enclosed. There's no sun and the baby can't see anything.

Daughter walks the Nugget a lot, saying she wants Nugget to "get fresh air".

Duh! This is New Jersey! There is no fresh air!

I can see taking the kids out for some sun, or to look at interesting things, but for fresh air? Bleck.


Becs said...

Try horse country where Jackie O lived. I'm sure they have air out there. They might bring it in from some exotic place, but there's air. If you stay around the Washington Crossing - Frenchtown Delaware River towns, you should be okay.

~~Silk said...

Maybe, depending on whether the wind is blowing from Philadelphia or Trenton. But I'm talking about here - where the air is full of NYC grit, and silver rots from the sulphides.