Wednesday, October 05, 2011

3362 Nuttin'

Wednesday, September 5, 2011

Love is blind, but the neighbors are not.


I've been eating a lot of pistachios lately, and I found a trick that really works. Know how there are always a few nuts that aren't opened, and the shells are so hard it's next to impossible to get them open? They almost always have a frustratingly tiny crack.

Simple method. Take a half-shell from an earlier nut, insert the edge of that half-shell into the tiny crack in the reluctant nut, and twist it, lifting toward the point of the nut. It'll pop the shell open. Works every time.


Daughter and I and the Nugget went north Sunday evening, stayed in a hotel in Kingston, NY, and then picked up Suzie the Suzuki Monday morning. Daughter drove Suzie back. Suzie has four doors where Daughter's Honda has two, which makes it much easier to get the Nugget in and out of the car seat, so I'm going to give Suzie to her. Sadness - I really enjoy driving Suzie. For a small car she has lots of room, a huge trunk, her high windows allow a marvelous view, and she has a smooth ride. But I don't really need her, and Daughter's life will be much easier with her.


I've been checking out car insurance. My NY insurance (Travelers) currently covers the three vehicles: 2011 BMW, 2000 Dodge minivan, and 2003 Suzuki, and costs about $1,800 per year. I called my agent to tell her I'd moved to NJ, and that I'd be dropping the Suzuki, so please rewrite the policy. She said "Oooo, it's a lot cheaper in NJ". I'm still waiting for the new quote, but in the meantime I've got quotes from other companies for the two vehicles, and I'm freaking out.

Geico, you know, the ones that are supposed to be pretty reasonable? Their quote was close to $1700 for six months! I had palpitations! Liberty Mutual says $1164 per year, so maybe there's an error somewhere in Geico's quote.


Heading north again this evening.


Becs said...

I've heard good things about Liberty Mutual.

My experience with Prudential, whoops, now we're High Point, whoops, now we're Plymouth Rock has been far less than ideal and I am beginning to dislike my agent in the extreme.

the queen said...

I like my non-human insurance. Progressive. Only get a human if you have to call in an incident, and they are very nice.