Saturday, November 27, 2010

3174 Was the metrosexual born of Sally?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The less capable we are in a job, the more confident we are that we do it well.
The less capable we are of making a decision, the more confident we are of that decision.


Almost every guy I've ever talked with in any depth beyond mere superficial acquaintance level over the past 20 years has asked me if I saw "When Harry Met Sally", and when I say no, has gone on to rave about it and urge me to see it sometime. Jay, especially loved it. Of course everyone has seen the "faking it" clip, but if I ask, the guys say no, that's not the part they mean, they mean the whole story.

Even though I hadn't seen it, it didn't strike me as a guy movie. I thought it was more like a girly movie or date night movie, so I didn't understand what these guys thought was so wonderful about it and why I should see it, and they couldn't explain. "Just rent it or something, ok?"

I never did.

So, tonight it was on TV. It was on one of the weaker stations, so I'd miss a word or three now and then, but I got the gist of the story. And you know what? I still don't understand why all those guys thought it was wonderful, why they'd urge me to see it. Yeah, it was a good movie, but not THAT wonderful.

Maybe they were trying to tell me something? Was he him, or was I her, or were we them? Maybe, where Jay was concerned, but I don't think so with the others. Jay and I circled each other as good friends for seven years before making a connection. These other guys? No.

So what is it about "When Harry Met Sally" that strikes a chord with 40 to 60 year old men? What are they taking so strongly from it?

Don't ask a man who hasn't seen it. Ask a man who has seen it. My questioning so far has not produced an answer. Apparently something got in, something they wanted me to have experienced, too, but they can't get it out in words.

1 comment:

the queen said...

Well I'm guessing it was the point that no man can really be friends with a woman because no matter what he always wants to sleep with her.