Friday, February 26, 2010

2791 A charming video

Friday, February 26, 2010

"Most people who believe in Hell feel sure it is not their final destination.
... Anyone who believes in hell, I find, also believes in hateful ways of avoiding it.
Fear of hell tends to make women into victims, men into bullies,
and everyone into line-toeing robots."
-- Gillian Kendall --


This is a charming video clip. It should be one of three. If you can locate the other two, I'd appreciate a pointer.



Sometimes I wish I had a landlord. Then I could complain and get things fixed, like the deteriorating and now badly plow-damaged driveway. I pay the town and county $500 a month for the privilege of living in this house. That's sort of like a landlord; they'd throw me out if I didn't pay the "rent". I ought to be able to get them to fix it.

I wish.

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