Sunday, November 22, 2009

2669 Saying Nothing

Sunday, November 22, 2009

"There is nothing wrong with having nothing to say ---
unless you insist on saying it."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson --


The quotation above is rather apt. I don't seem to have much of anything to say these days. Maybe it's a sort of depression (I HATE winter), a seasonal affective disorder that won't be fixed with a light bar. It happens every year at about this time. At least this year I've been getting out to movies and dinners, but lately I've been thinking I've been doing too much of that, and I feel more like staying home and hibernating.



At least four times in the past two days I have read or heard highly educated people, people who should know better, express disdain for something by saying, "I could care less."

If they thought for two seconds about what they said, they'd know it should be "I couldn't care less."

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