Thursday, May 01, 2008

1792 Economic War

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hey! It's May Day! When I was in elementary school, on May 1st we used to have a picnic with the procession of the May Queen and her court, over the petals of thousands of shredded flowers scattered by us plebeians, athletic contests, and dancing of white-robed flower-crowned girls around the May Pole, weaving intricate patterns of colored ribbons down the pole. I love May Pole dancing. Done correctly, it's fascinating. I suppose it's now frowned upon as pagan. Bullpoopy! It's just pretty.

Anyhow, back to my topic.

Forty years ago, the theory was that eventually, well, by now, actually, nations all over the world would be so economically intertwined that war would no longer be justifiable. War would hurt yourself more than the enemy, even if you won.

We thought that international corporations, with their worldwide investments and interests and their political influence, would work as a stabilizer.

I guess that was Pollyanna thinking. I guess it didn't occur to us that war could be waged solely for economic gain. (In the hippie '70s you didn't do anything solely for economic gain.) And I guess it didn't occur to us that corporations would have the most to gain from war, making their political influence a destabilizer.

Well, it's possible to wage economic war, without the bullets and bombs. Maybe that's the way to go.

It's possible that Israel could win the war with the Arabs by devaluing oil ("Next Big Future" link).
SUNRGI's "concentrated photovoltaic" system relies on lenses to magnify sunlight 2,000 times, letting it produce as much electricity as standard panels with a far smaller system. They say they'll start producing solar panels by mid-2009 that will generate electricity for about 7 cents a kilowatt hour, including installation.("USA Today" link.)



Becs said...

I want one. Several. Lots. I want my a/c without guilt.

the queen said...

I was just wondering what happened to May Day. It was so pretty, and easy. DO they still have maypoles?