Saturday, November 10, 2007

1541 In the Days Before

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Daughter never exerienced the days before ATMs, when banks were open only from 10 'til 2, and if you didn't give up lunch to get to the bank, you didn't get your paycheck deposited, and you didn't get cash. Money took a lot of planning.

Remember when there were no cell phones, and you had to use a pay phone when you were out, and other people couldn't be contacted if they were away from their home or desk? Keeping in touch took a lot of planning and cooperation.

Remember when you had to use your telephone to get to the internet? And printers used continuous paper with sprocket holes on the sides? And there were no bar codes and clerks had to actually type the price of an item into the cash register?

I've been trying to imbed this video,, and three out of three times now, putting it into a post has taken Internet Explorer down. Strange. Other people have imbedded it in Blogger posts, so it's something unique to me.

Anyway, it's funny. Go watch.

1 comment:

Becs said...

1978. I'm standing in a record store. Two sorority girls are standing next to me. One says to the other: Did you know Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings?
