Wednesday, June 20, 2007

1313 Ankle Bites

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Saturday, while going down a steep section on the falls trail, I stepped wrong on a loose stone, and my left foot got tipped too far, putting some stress on the outside of the ankle. It hurt for a minute, then was ok.

It has been ok, up until this afternoon. I was walking to the kitchen, and it suddenly started hurting really badly, with every step, on the outside back of that big bone. Stop walking, and it stops hurting. No swelling, no redness, no "lumps".

I have since discovered that it doesn't hurt to walk if I'm barefoot or wearing flat-soled shoes (like flip-flops), AND it doesn't hurt if I walk way up on the balls of my feet. It hurts only if I try to walk with a slightly raised heel.

Weird. Ok, Flat sandals for a while.

1 comment:

Ally said...

i would probably still keep off the ankle as much as possible.