Monday, January 08, 2007

1063 More Ditz, and an Apology to HRH

Monday, January 08, 2007

I was reading another blogger's observation that Chinese fortune cookies don't seem to contain fortunes any more. They're just sage sayings. I had noticed that, too. It's like no one wants to frighten or offend anyone. You kinda don't even look forward to them any more.

Given that, the last "fortune" I got, at last month's Third Thursday dinner was very unusual. It said "Aviod walking alone in the dark." Scary. Even back when they pretended to be fortunes, I'd never seen one like that.

That was the dinner when I wanted to strangle The Ditz, because of other things she'd said. When I wrote that entry, I forgot to mention the fourtune cookie. Her comment was a dismissive wave of her hand, and "Oh, well, how often do you walk alone in the dark anyway?" Roman and I both choked and looked at her in amazement.

I said, "Um, like, anytime I walk out of the house after 4:30 pm?"


While looking through the December archives for the entry on The Ditz, to check whether I had mentioned the cookie, I also glanced through some of the entries surrounding that one, including the entries about harddisk clutter. TheQueen had recommended in a comment that I try Window Washer to eliminate the clutter, and I responded that I had tried it, and had a lot of trouble with it.

Well. Looking at that entry, I realize now I may have unintentionally offended her. I had quoted a very unhelpful "help" from to which I said "Very helpful folks! Bleck!"

Unfortunately, the "Very helpful..." looks like a header for my response to TheQueen. Oops.

It wasn't. But with some distance from it now, it sure looks like it.

So I'm making a public apology. I appreciate your suggestion, Your Highness, and never mean to denigrate it or to offend you, and I apologize for any hackles I may have raised. I was facing the other direction when I said bleck (but of course you couldn't see that, what with all the skinny wires and clouds and stuff between here and there).

1 comment:

the queen said...

See, I am an insensitive person. I didn't even notice the juxtaposition. And the plus side to that? We insensitives never get offended. I didn't even notice. Besides, I was probably busy with Gary actually insulting me.