Wednesday, June 07, 2006

726 Time to Move On, Folks

On the subject of the current rash of 9/11 movies, Israeli blogger Lisa (On The Face) says "Would it be hugely insensitive of me to ask Americans, nearly five years after 9/11, to please get over it already? Really, I think it's time. There have been many disasters all over the world - of both the natural and the terrorist variety - since then, and the ability to feel empathy is truly more admirable than perpetual navel gazing." [Italics mine - I really liked that part.]

I strongly agree.

It's a bit paranoid to think this, but I can't help wondering if there's a purpose to these movies coming out now beyond the simple "it's long enough ago that we can tell the story without hurting people" that we are offered. Frankly, that explanation doesn't hold water. I can't help wondering if there isn't another reason, like to keep the feelings alive, to remind us, to counteract growing anti-war sentiment, so the Bush administration can keep beating the drums of fear.


Kate said...

Perhaps you are right about ulterior motives of the timing of the appearance of those movies. I personally have had no desire to see "United 93" and whatever the Nick Cage one is that's coming out later. I don't want to help anyone profit off of the dramatization of that day.

I know that it often seems like the American public suffers from ADD, but do we really already need movies to reinact that day? It seems like it would be more appropriate for a future generation that is not so familiar with 9/11, when the wounds are less fresh.

Anonymous said...

One phrase - Fear Mongering...

Anonymous said...

One phrase - Fear Mongering...