Friday, October 05, 2007

1495 Look-alikes

At, you can give them a photo, and they use face recognition techniques to find celebrities you look like. Ahem.

The first photo I used was so bad I'm not allowing anyone else to see it, but it's me unadorned. This is what I got:

So then I tried a photo I like better, and got this:

What's with all the men?! Unfortunately, I can see the Jesse Jackson, but please explain how I can have a 49% intersection with Iman, AND 51% with Alan Greenspan! Well, we all have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth, I guess.

Third try:

Oh Good Grief! All men! And two full beards! I give up.


A little later, having returned from licking my wounds, I decided to try my mother's high school picture:

I guess it's not the system. It's me. I wonder how people know I'm female? The perfume, I guess.

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