Sunday, September 02, 2007

1462 Tired, or something....

Sunday, September 2, 2007

I'm tired. My legs feel heavy. Roman told me Friday that my bounce had been gone for a few days. He said "You're not smiling. Well, you're smiling, but not big smiles, not like usual."

Yeah. I don't know what's wrong. Maybe it's that the summer is leaving, and I hadn't used it up yet. Maybe it's that two of my friends are sad and one is stressed, and there's nothing I can do, and it's bringing me down. I don't know.

I feel like I want to curl up in someone's arms and suck my thumb for a while.

The past week was a bit busy. I had lunch with friends three days, dinner once, took a friend out for lunch for his 60th birthday (another of those three-hour lunches), and spent a full day (16 hours) and one evening helping a friend move boxes and files, and a huge file cabinet, from Long Island to Poughkeepsie.

There was other stuff in there, but durn if I can remember what.

I've been exercising my arms. I'd lost a lot of weight, and I hadn't realized I'd lost muscle, too. (From lifting and exercising Jay that last year, I had a lot of muscle.) So with age and mass loss, my skin doesn't fit any more. After 50, it doesn't tighten up very well on its own. I had big swinging sacks under my upper arms, and my shoulders were getting very small.

I've been doing simple stuff, like
  • hoist a bottle of green tea up and down behind the neck,
  • shoulder rolls with wrist weights,
  • the kind of half-pushup where you lean at an extreme angle against a countertop and push back and forth,
  • stand with your back to the counter, hands behind, and lift and drop your body,
  • stand in a doorway and push against the frame in various ways,
  • raise your tail off the chair by lifting on the arms of the chair.

It's starting to show results. I'm slowly filling my skin.

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