Sunday, February 19, 2006

#576 Johari Window - Moved!

I had started a Johari Window, using my given first name, and invited certain friends and journal readers to contribute to it. Well, two things went wrong.

First, I should not have used my real name. I've been careful so far to keep it out of journals, so that meant I couldn't refer to the window here. Bummer.

Second, even before I had sent out the invitation to contribute, I had five contributors. Now that most (but not all! and you know who you are!) of my invitees have contributed, I find those first five just don't fit. I now suspect that there's someone else out there with my first name (no kidding), and these contributors thought I was that person. That also explains the wide range in responses. (I was beginning to worry that I was fracturing again!)

So - I have opened another at ("Silken" because "Silk" was already taken), and I have moved all the valid contributions over to the new window. The results now look more reasonable.

When I figure it's got about all the responses it's going to get, I'll post the results here. In the meantime, you can go to to see it so far, or click on the link above to contribute.

(Note - anybody can still contribute to the original one. I'll just move the lists to the new one myself to keep it up to date.)

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