Thursday, December 05, 2013

3807 Kicking

Thursday, December 5, 2013

I'm  hoping to get through the to-do list today, enough of the high priority items that I can head north this evening.

In reference to the previous post, I got the advice of four people.  Three said ignore the woman.  One pointed out that if I restrict communication to email, I am in control and I can decide what information to give her and what to withhold, what to answer and what to ignore.

I decided that she's right.  I am in control.

So I have to do what is natural to me.  When someone extends an olive branch, I can't ignore it and walk away.  That's just not me.  It would bother me forever, and I should know that by now.  Remember - I'm the one who always sent a penny, even though I never got one.

So I did reply to her note.  All I said was that she had written her note entirely on the subject line [and I tried it from Gmail, and yeah, Gmail will allow you to do that without warning] so I don't know what she said; please try again.

That was Tuesday evening.  I have not heard from her, but I doubt she checks her email often.

Now, off to the to-do list.

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