Tuesday, August 28, 2012

3608 Oh, good grief!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

“I’m not on Facebook” is the new “I don’t own a TV.”


You must must must make yourself a pot of tea or coffee (or open a bottle of wine) and go to http://www.amazon.co.uk/BIC-For-Amber-Medium-Ballpoint/dp/B004FTGJUW, and read the product reviews at the bottom!  It's a riot.  Who says Brits are humorless?


Becs said...

That's brilliant! How did you come across it? I wonder if Bic is pulling them off the market...

Anonymous said...

I followed the link to the Veet reviews and laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. Plus I peed myself a bit.


Becs said...

I heard this on NPR today. Apparently, this is the number 1 ranking office supply on Amazon.uk.

Bella said...

Oh, I so needed a laugh today - Thank You!!