Thursday, January 20, 2011

3234 Hair rebellion report

Thursday, January 20, 2011

If you want useful answers, ask good questions.


It is now nine days since I last used shampoo/conditioner on my hair. At first I had to do the hot water rinse every other day. Today is the third day since the last rinse, and it doesn't seem to need it today, but I probably will anyway.

The body and curl has gotten stronger. The individual hairs feel stronger, springier. If I push down, it springs right back up. When I woke up this morning, I looked like Rod Stewart. Ptoing!

Yes, a few days ago I went through an itchy scalp period, a little itchier than usual, but that seems to be settling down. (My scalp and forehead has always itched a little anyway. It might be a thyroid thing. A nice daily scalp massage seems to help a lot.)


I've been very busy lately, but I don't have the faintest idea what I've been doing. It's like that meme that's been going around for the past few years - where the person is watering the garden and notices that the car needs washing, and there's a cascade of jobs started and none finished, and at the end of the day, the person is tired, but has no idea why. (If you've never got that one in your inbox, either you're too young to appreciate it, or too old to remember it. Either way, you can read it here:


the queen said...

Emma Thimpson had to not wash her hair for two weeks at a time when she was filming Remains of the Day.

Anonymous said...

I had another surgery today and have to go 5 days without showering. Unfortunately I still will be going to work for 2 of those days and have to figure a way to not stinketh. I may try the hair thing and see where it leads....

Z the unwashed.

~~Silk said...

Z - Eeek! Try washing your hair at the sink, while taking a "sweet spots" sponge bath.

Hope your recovery is quick and easy.