Wednesday, December 08, 2010

3191 Mice?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish."
-- Euripides --


I know I'm not very au currant these days, but I can sometimes figure things out, or ask someone. What I haven't been able to figure out is why Justin Bieber is being handed so much pure crap. Constantly. Everywhere. He must be a very strong young man to have not completely broken down by now.

Actually, I don't really care why. There is no excuse. No one short of a child molester deserves the constant hounding and harassment he's been getting. It's just plain not nice, bullying pure and simple, and I suspect for the same reasons all bullies give: "We don't like him because he's not exactly like us and therefore doesn't deserve to live."


Well, Hal is in the garage with the door closed, and his alarms went off again a few minutes ago. So it probably wasn't anyone touching him, either now or last night.

I think I know what it might be, and I don't know what to do about it.

When I opened his trunk yesterday afternoon, I found that a roll of paper towels had been chewed to bits. Mouse or chipmunk. Of course I wondered how a mouse or chipmunk had gotten into the trunk. Very enterprising little beastie, living the good life.

So now I think the beastie is still in there somewhere. Setting off probably the interior motion detector alarms. Poor little thing. If he gets evicted here, he has no food cache for the winter.

I turned the alarms off, but I've got to figure out now what to do about him, and how. I can't have him spending the winter there. I don't know how to get him out. But then again, I'm not sure that's the problem, and don't know how to find out. Put peanuts in the trunk and see if they get eaten?


the queen said...

I think you uprooted some mice when you built your house. Beware. Our new house had 31 mice.

the queen said...

Oh. And mouse feces. They look like black sock lint.

~~Silk said...

No mice in the new house. Spiders, yes. Mice, no.

I'm very familiar with mice. The old house was in the woods next to farmland, and every fall the mice would move in. You lift the hood on any vehicle there and you'll always find acorns and pine seeds in a neat pile on the battery. Before Jasper (a really good mouser) I used to live-catch five or more mice per week.

The mini-beastie in Hal's trunk would have moved in at the old house. I found the chewed paper towels as I was loading a few things into the trunk to head south.