Wednesday, November 25, 2009

2672 Link to saying it

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

One who considers himself a victim of circumstance
is more often a prisoner of his own decisions.


This post by a lawyer in Philadelphia expresses some of my own feelings, especially the quoted letter.


Later edit - the comments on Field's post are starting to pile up. I found this one interesting:
Race Traitoress said...


"Thank goodness a bunch of Rastafarians didn't decide to blow up the World Trade Center. Because if they did, and George Bush was in power, Jamaica would be nothing but a memory."

It was a bunch of Saudis who took down the WTC, yet we didn't invade Saudi Arabia. If Rastafarians had been responsible, we'd have still gone into Iraq. That was the plan all along.

Yep. I agree.

1 comment:

Becs said...

And the sad fact is that if you aren't off the grid, you're supporting the war. That's how I see it and unless Utopia is visited upon me or I go back to my anarcho-primitivist ways, that's the fact, jack.