Saturday, June 30, 2007

1337 Table v. Database

Friday, June 29, 2007

Well, I screwed up.

The Man asked me a few weeks ago what my music collection consisted of, and I couldn't answer. It's pretty eclectic. There's no easy way to describe it as a whole. I'm likely to mention just whatever I listened to last.

Until the other night my closet shelves were so crowded I no longer knew what was there, and wore the same tops over and over. I'm doing the same thing with my CDs. There's so much there, many of which are trash, that I can't find the good stuff, or have forgotten what's there, so I listen to the same stuff over and over.

I decided to go through the collection, find out what I have, impose some order, make a list, maybe even find out if I have duplicates.

I've been having fun, pulling CDs out of the cabinet, popping some I haven't heard in ages into the CD drive, entering their data into an MS Word table.

Yup, a table. I screwed up.

On the desktop PC, I have lots of lists of things in database whatsises. I can sort those lists by column. Like by artist, album title, or genre (which is the way they should be organized anyway).

Guess what - a table is not a data base. You can't sort by artist or album title. You can't sort, period. My pretty list is just as useless as the jumble in the cabinet. It MATCHES the jumble in the cabinet. Latest interest on top. Sigh.

I have entered 152 CDs, of the close to 400 I have.

Sigh. Start over.

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