Sunday, July 02, 2006

774 My Hearing Is 100%! New Jersey Is Not.

Sunday, July 2, 2006

I bought some new lightbulbs the other day. They're coiled fluorescent, came in a package of three, and are guaranteed to last 5 years.

I put one in the bedside lamp, and --- whoa! The color of the light is white with a pale icky green cast. Bleck! NOT flattering.

Worse, I can HEAR it! From halfway across the room! It makes a fuzzzzzz sound.

Jay always said he could hear fluorescent lights. He also said he could see the flicker. It's a common characteristic of autism. He hated fluorescent lights.

Great. I've got 15 years of lightbulbs I can't stand the sound of.


The state of New Jersey closed yesterday.

Budget disagreements, deadline passed, so all state government offices (except critical services) are closed until further notice.

Daughter and Leading-Candidate-for-Son-In-Law (he's getting closer and closer to the wire) are supposed to get their marriage license on Friday. Apparently it's a big production, because they had to make an appointment, and they need two witnesses who have known them at least 100 years, and everybody, including the witnesses, needs fifty-seven varieties of identification.

This could be a problem.


Herlock Sholmes said...

"leading candidate for son in law"...
Priceless :)

Anonymous said...

and AGAIN you don't consult the family... What was daughter's major? (yes, fluorescent looks like fluorescent) Maybe you could enjoy your lights outside?
