Tuesday, June 27, 2006

764 "freedbacking" and "bloglines"

[Later edit - added the "oops" at the bottom.]

The Blogger folks want feedback. We are to post our comments and suggestions, with the words "freedbacking" and "bloglines" in the post, so they can collect them.

Okey Dokey. Here's mine.

When a visitor comes into my blog at a particular entry, rather than the main page, they see the "About Me" and a list of posts previous to this particular one, but they do not see the archives links, posts subsequent to this one, nor my other links. There is no obvious way the visitor can get to posts after (later than) the one they came in to - and that's likely the direction they'd want to go. So -
  • When one post is showing, we need "Forward" and "Back" buttons, at the least.

  • It would be nice if the full Archives list was also provided with a single entry.

  • (It would be best if all the usual "non-body" stuff were included with a single post, but hey, I don't want to be greedy....)

The second suggestion concerns viewing the archives. Displaying one month's worth all at once can make for a huge page! And it's sometimes difficult to find a particular entry or date unless you can remember a unique word combination to search on. So -
  • Instead of displaying a month of archived posts as one huge page, could they be displayed as date, title (the link), and the first ten words? Sort of like what you get when you use the "Search this blog" button.

Other than that, I'm happy.

[Oops? I notice that most others are posting comments and suggestions for Bloglines. I thought they wanted comments on Bloglines and/or Blogger. My suggestions apply to Blogger only. They are the same folks, aren't they? No? Oh well. Maybe they'll pass it along.]

1 comment:

Kate said...

I definitely would like forward and backward buttons!