Sunday, November 20, 2005

#446 The Wedding

Yesterday was the wedding. The beautiful alabaster-skinned Pixie wed the spit-shined and polished Dark Prince. Everything was beautiful. The sun shone, the hotel did an incredible job with the dinner, the men were handsome and the women were beautiful, and the day ended well for all.

Personally, the day didn't start so well for me. The ceremony was at 11 am. I was so looking forward to it. I was to stop at Roman's on the way, so I would have had to leave the house by a little after 9 am. Friday night I set the alarm for 7 am, and went to sleep.

I was awakened from a deep sleep, in the middle of the night, by the bed phone ringing. I answered sleepily, and it was Roman. He asked "Where are you?"
"It's 11 am."
"Saturday. The wedding. It's supposed to be now."
... followed by yelps of sheer panic on my side.

Luckily, I had laid out my clothes the night before, so I managed to get washed, dressed, and out the door in 18 minutes. Thank goodness my hair didn't look too very bad. Brush and run. I had intended to wash it because I had been burning more paper the night before, but nobody complained .... (I worried about Roman, because he kisses the top of my head a lot.) Yes, I did check the alarm clock. It was set, and the time was correct. Either it went off and I didn't hear it, or it never went off.

Don't tell anyone, but I hit 70 mph on Route 9G. That road is deserted on Saturdays.

We missed the ceremony, of course. I'll have to beg Pixie to let me see the video. Everyone said it was very special. I'm absolutely sick we missed it. But we made it in time for cocktails and the reception at the hotel. And Roman finally got to see the Gypsy dance - she lived up to reviews. The Pixie had taken good care of us - we were at a table with some people I had met before (although that was at a fantasy gathering, and so everyone had been in costume and under assumed names then - which statement, that we had met under assumed names, puzzled Roman for a half a minute). And I didn't have to apologize to Roman - suits and ties were the uniform.

I had taken advantage of the wedding group discount and reserved a double at the hotel for Saturday night, for just in case. What the heck, why not, we could cancel anytime up to 6 pm without penalty. (Maybe I should have got the room for the night before!) But after one large Southern Comfort on the rocks, a glass of champagne, and a glass of wine (the last inch of which I spilled), keeping the room was a good idea. I was giggling a lot.

When I had met with Roman earlier and switched to his car, I said that I had tried to call him on the road and have him meet me in the hotel lobby, but I had somehow forgotten the cell phone. He said oh, no, he was counting on my cell because his mother had called earlier, and his father was not doing well. His sister was headed out to check on them, and he wanted to call them at about 2 to see what his sister had to say. We ended up borrowing The Gypsy's cell (thank you very much, Gypsy!). His sister said she didn't notice anything untoward, but Roman, knowing that his mother is in a better position to judge, worried all day anyway. He called again later from the hotel room. He's going to worry until he can see for himself, I think. (I suspect I should be grateful that he didn't cancel on me and head for Long Island. I'm sure that was his first impulse.)

So, all in all, a good past 33 hours. I think Roman enjoyed himself, too, even with his worry. The DJ played mostly music from OUR high school years, and we sang along and even danced a little (it was mostly fast, and I don't do fast, but the few slows were nice.) We fit well for dancing, too.

Damn. I'm still having trouble accepting that we missed the ceremony. Well, I'll just have to sit back and smile on the marriage. That's the important part, and it lasts longer.


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